Thursday, June 29, 2006

Summer Rain

It was pouring heavily as I hurried to get onto the streetcar and out of the rain. The only thing that annoyed me more than the rain, was the rain on my damn expensive dry-clean-only suit. What was I thinking to wear it today?!?

I peered out the window at the sights as they crept by and soon enough my temper reverted to calm. There's something about the pouring rain: coffee shops are filled with patrons eager to share a hot drink and cool conversation and the gardens seem more beautiful and alive. The showers infuse everything with new life. Happy thoughts took hold of me as I recalled my invigorating experiences of frolicking in the rain and standing under the spouts until I was completely drenched. I was used to welcoming the rain; the way it tastes, the smell of it, the way it feels on my skin, the way it makes me feel. There - it's not so easy to forget - I love summer rain!

My euphoria was cut short when the front page of the newspapers caught my eye. Sigh.

Two national papers ran the same front page photo, so it was hard to ignore it today. While I was safely sheltered and reminiscing about my dances in the summer rain, there on the other side of the world, people were exposed to the blatant disregard of their right to life - operation Summer Rain.

More military attacks on Gaza: This aggressive action will no doubt make many more victims which will only increase the hatred that serves the interests of the extremists on either side.

I won't make this into another anti-imperialist rant because everyone who knows me is already familiar with my opinion on that subject. However, I would like for us to stop ignoring the people who are suffering in the Gaza strip. The constant fighting and unnecessary destruction of property and infrastructure has left them without water, electricity, family members and peace.

Tanks have rolled into Gaza - again - and the terror is ever present as I pray for an end to its reign.


At Tuesday, July 04, 2006 12:26:00 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To view the impending juggernaut of a tank would indeed instill terror, yet the lines are sometimes blurred by emotion and it is easy to lose sight of the act that brought upon this onslaught. Following the peaceful act of Israeli withdrawal from Gaza, it was the kidnapping of an Israeli soldier and refusal to surrender him unless Israel frees individuals who have committed or consipired to commit acts of terror (bombings) upon Israeli citizens. There is a global policy of non-negotiation with terrorists. Recall that the 9/11 perpetrators are considered the terrorists, not the US military despite the atrocious nature of the response. If a mere fly annoys a sleeping giant, he runs the risk of being swatted. Of course, flies have less intelligence than humans who should be well aware of the consequences of our actions... so one would hope.

At Thursday, July 06, 2006 7:16:00 pm , Blogger S.M. said...

That's a perfect example of how people are treated in Gaza and exactly why my heart bleeds when I read about events there.
My plea was for us to stop ignoring the innocent ones who continue to suffer (kidnapped Israeli solider included). I’m inclined to agree that the punishment does not befit the crime in this case. In fact, they have committed no crime. I’m willing to bet that they didn’t take the solider, nor did they conspire against the giant – yet they’re subject to the monster’s wrath. That’s hardly fair – and I’ll agree that all’s not fair in war. However, I cannot agree that the execution of that unilateral Disengagement Plan was peaceful. We’ve read the stories of how many occupants were forcibly evicted and we’ve seen the footage of the aftermath where the residences and infrastructure were brutally demolished before the tanks rolled out. Fitting demise for an economically-uninteresting territory with a Muslim majority and possible "threat" to the Jewish identity of the Israeli state? No, just the addition of insult to injury as the ogre relaxed a hold on Gaza to tighten the grip on the West Bank. This is hardly a Road Map to Peace – more like a recipe for renewed disaster. Regardless, the loss of innocent lives is the same.

I’ve seen the effect of the American policy of non-negotiation and I’m still waiting to see any success. (Note: I’m not condoning terrorism). I’m well aware that many people were killed in the 9/11 and similar attacks but we continue to see many, many more killed in the equally horrific counter-attacks. Unleashing terror will not curb terror.

Caesar knew that “All bad precedents begin as justifiable measures”. What are we to do when they are no longer justifiable?
How long will we play the part of unconcerned onlooker while innocent bystanders are slaughtered? There’s the rub! Too many people on both sides of this conflict are needlessly suffering. I think it’s imperative to speak out against monstrous actions that result in them dying like flies!


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