Friday, May 04, 2007

Lest I forget

It just occurred to me as I was eating my bran muffin:

1. Muffins should not be made of bran
2. I've been such an ungrateful bitch!

It was so easy though. I've been sick for the past few weeks and I couldn't see past the debilitating stomach pains and the occasional heartache. Anyhow, I'm doing well now. My stomach didn't get that memo though. It's still not doing well, so I'm due for a full GI investigation next week - and yes, as horrific as it sounds, that's a good thing. The Dr. could only prescribe treatment for the manifold symptoms that I complained of and I desperately need to get fixed up asap. I'm so sick of being sick!

So, yeah, the point is I forgot to remember to be grateful for the blessings in my life; my God-sent Mummy who took on my pain; the sweetheart who juggled work and other responsibilities so that he could take care of me for days; the dearest friend who stayed on the phone with me for hours just so that I wouldn't have to be alone; the cousin who lovingly offered advice; the relatives who were there for me; the friends who listened compassionately; the other friends who not-so-patiently cheered me on and everyone else who makes my life so beautiful.

I haven't forgotten you - thanks!


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